Our most important asset is our future generations. As a mother of three, Natalie knows how important it is to ensure our children are receiving a top-notch education. She believes that parents are in charge of their kids’ education, not Harrisburg bureaucracy. In addition, the current schools funding system needs a rehaul. Natalie is committed to working on greater transparency and a more efficient funding mechanism to ensure schools in the 40th House district receive their fair share of funding.

Now more than ever, we’re seeing the flaws in our healthcare system and the need to ensure we have a patient-centered approach that focuses on quality care and better health-outcomes. Natalie has championed key legislation to put the patients’ needs first and ensure we have healthier communities.

Natalie has fought to reinvigorate the Western Pennsylvania economy, bring greater economic freedom to small businesses and create more jobs. She’ll continue to work to de-regulate our complex economy, revive our manufacturing industry, and work to keep government out of the way of business.

As a former prosecutor, Natalie has seen the impact that dangerous and violent criminals have on our communities. Now, due to senseless policies and extreme rhetoric in Harrisburg and across the country, we’ve seen a terrifying spike in violent crime across Western PA. Natalie has fought in the courtroom to protect victims and their families, and now she’s fighting for them in Harrisburg. She will always protect victims, not criminals, and put our safety first.

Western PA Values
Born and raised here, now raising a family of her own here, Natalie understands everyday Western Pennsylvanians. She will always put the needs of her constituents first and focus on serving our community. From here, for here – she’ll always fight for our values in Harrisburg.